Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Hello my dear dear friends i have a BLOG. It just seems like the in thing to do. If i don't update after this post it's because i'm shy and a naturally quiet person. YEAH RIGHT. It's because i have fallen into deep deep sleep and will not wake up after several weeks. This feels weird its like im talking to the screen. and the typing certainly improves. i keep spelling definitely as definately so im using certainly.

List of things to do after exams

- go and shove rowdy boys at Stereophonics concert
- concentrate very hard and pass driving because nowadays people keep passing on their first try there is peer pressure
- watch liverpool win the Champions League for the gazillionth time
- hang out
- read witty(bimbo) books
- intensive workout - mich's plan of tennis and running. she included swimming but i think i'll
panic and drown
- repair my laptop. i want to reformat but apparently the b******* at eight flags only guarantee hardware not software

Now that i am like almost graduating i feel like i wanna dive right back into my books again. reading textbooks makes me a kid. i mean yes working provides you the luxury you'll never enjoy if you are just a student unless your parents print money but at a very heavy price. you'll have to squeeze in mrts early in the morning say 8am, facing your fellow commuters who are mostly asleep or reading the paper or just staring into space. you have the i-dread-work face and you thought you hid it quite well, but you didn't and you see it in everyone. sometimes they fall asleep while standing and they drop something or fall, and you laugh, and that will be the highlight of your day. sometimes they have dried saliva stains on the side of their mouths and you cringe at the sight of it. how sad is that.

to more important things : TEEVEE SHOWS! im so gonna repeat the l word, followed by another repeat, and finally a concluding repeat. if that's not enough there's always encore repeat.

this season is fark funny. and look how pretty tina is! bloody amazing. then it's brothers and sisters, a show with super damn alot of pretty chicks and hansum bois although they are siblings

then there is the oc and oth repeats, lastly friends. they are last because i've watched each episode at least 5 times and it's getting boring and friends cannot get boring because its funny. so only solution not to watch it till the jokes sound fresh and brand new. the mind forgets easily.

pleasant sounds of the day: Stereophonics Edition

Handbags and Gladrags

Since I told you it's over
Bright Red Star

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